Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Life goes on!

Its been awhile since the last sorry....Aleisha is doing well...still unable to drive and still having some post surgical delays (due to the surgery being in her cranium) but she is improving. The post scan showed that the dead tumor was removed with the blood clot which was excellent news. Post surgical scans are "stable". However, Aleisha has been complaining for almost a year of off and on abdominal pain. The pain returned post operatively so she followed up with her family physician who originaly thought it might be gall bladder, but it was ruled out. So now they are wondering about Irritable Bowel due to so many medications. She continues to take her Chemo one week a month, it takes it's tow on her, but she is truly a remarkable fighter! William will start Preschool again soon and little Zachy is talking and walking. Life is copasetic (not sure how to spell that one) and that is good when you are dealing with this cancer. She still tires very easily and some days just dealing with getting dressed and feeding the boys is more that she can do. During the chemo week she continues to suffer from extreme fatigue, nausea, and some lightheadedness. But she fights onward. She is truly a woman of great strength and courage..we love her soooo much.

1 comment:

  1. So glad she is doing well, I was hoping no news was good news!!!
